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There are many people in the north who have enjoyed a bit of acting in drama lessons at school, or maybe at their local amateur dramatic society, but never carried it on as adulthood arrived.

Of course, there can be many reasons for this, including academic study, careers and starting families. Indeed, the last of these can be a particular burden on mothers with young kids.

However, motherhood should never be seen as a reason not to attend drama classes for adults. If ever some inspiration should be required, mums should look no further than Helen Flanagan, who has hinted at a comeback after a maternity break lasting four years.

For 18 years, the Blackburn-born actress was a star in Coronation Street, playing the role of Rosie Webster. However, she left in 2018 and has since had three children.

On a Q&A on Instagram, she suggested her absence from acting – perhaps even from the cobbled streets of Weatherfield – might be coming to an end.

“I would love to go back to acting. I am working on something at the moment,” she admitted, although she would not reveal exactly what it was.

It is not the first time Helen Flanagan has hinted at a return to the stage or screen, suggesting to a national magazine last year that a comeback is in the offing.

There are many other examples of actresses who are considering a comeback after maternity leave. This week saw Louisa Lytton leave her role as Ruby Allen in Eastenders as she prepares to give birth to her first child and she told the Made By Mama’s Podcast that she may well make a return in time, although she admitted “I don’t think I’ll be in a rush”.

If you are a mum who never quite scratched that acting itch, you might feel the chance has passed you by. But the reality is that it is never too late. Let Dad babysit and give it a go.

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