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Performers Wanted At Alnwick Castle

By February 14, 2022Blog

Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, one of the region’s top tourist attractions, is advertising jobs for the summer season, including a number of performing roles, perfect for any Harry Potter fan and actor wanting to hone their skills.

Chronicle Live reports that Alnwick Castle, which has been home to the Percy family for over 700 years as well as a film location for Harry Potter and Downton Abbey, has several roles available, from kitchen porters to performers, the latter of which could find themselves dressed up in medieval costume or wizards robes!

The advert for the roles on the Alnwick Castle website says: “Alnwick Castle is one of the most iconic castles in Britain and one of the most popular visitor attractions in the North East of England. Whether people visit to learn more about our history, explore our film connections or simply have fun, we want them to have the best day possible.”

The summer season at Alnwick castle runs from March to October 2022, and the deadline for applications for performing roles is 20 January, with other roles having a deadline of 30 January. You can find more details or apply for the jobs at

The jobs that could be of interest to actors and performers include:

Historical interpreters and performers.

The role is described as being ‘physically and mentally demanding’, and involves interacting with visitors and delivering activities, performances, or workshops, which include artillery demonstrations and broomstick training for potential Quidditch stars!

Film tour guides

An ideal role for people who love watching, learning, and talking about film and TV, sharing that enthusiasm with visitors of all ages. The role involves running the castle’s filming location tours, and it is important to have a very strong knowledge of Harry Potter!

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